
This page provides a brief overview of 科林大学's 第九条 Complaint Resolution 过程.
有关更多信息和具体步骤,请参见当前的 第九章投诉解决程序 手册 火博体育官网的学生和员工 可用 在这里.
火博体育官网已采取投诉解决程序来遵守 1972年教育修正案第九条(第九条),并于2020年5月19日修订发布 Clery行为,和 《火博体育官网》. 的se complaint resolution procedures provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee complaints alleging dating violence, domestic violence, gender-based harassment, retaliation, sex discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and 跟踪(我.e.,禁止行为). 这些投诉解决程序包括 information on how to report or file a complaint of prohibited 行为 and how Collin College will respond once it has actual notice of an allegation of prohibited 行为.
科林大学's complaint resolution procedures apply equally to all 科林大学 students and employees who are participating in or attempting to participate in Collin 学院的教育项目或活动. 此外,这些投诉解决方案 procedures only apply to prohibited 行为 that impacted a person in the United States.
第九章正式解决程序流程图,可用 在这里,提供了火博体育官网的标题IX正式决议过程的概述. 为 更多信息和具体程序见当前 第九章投诉解决程序 手册 火博体育官网的学生和员工 可用 在这里.
第九章非正式解决程序流程图 可用 在这里, provides an overview of 科林大学’s 第九条 Informal Resolution 过程. 为 更多信息和具体程序见当前 第九章投诉解决程序 手册 火博体育官网的学生和员工 可用 在这里.
火博体育官网提供支持.g.回答问题,提供适当的帮助, resources, and referrals) to both the complainant and respondent throughout the Title 九、投诉解决流程. 此外,火博体育官网协助每位投诉人 and respondent with understanding their rights and responsibilities related to the 第九章非正式决议程序和第九章正式决议程序.
Complainant's and Respondent's Rights to Be Accompanied by an Advisor of 的ir Choice
根据… 第九条, both the complainant and respondent will have equal rights to be accompanied by an advisor of their choice who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney, to interviews, meetings, and hearings during either the 第九条 为mal Resolution 过程 或第九条非正式决议程序. 火博体育官网不提供指导老师 for either party during the 第九条 Informal Resolution 过程 or the Investigation 第九条正式解决程序的阶段. 火博体育官网保留这一权利 to limit the role of both parties’ advisors during interviews, meetings, and hearings. If either party is unable to provide their own advisor for the Live Hearing phase of the 第九条 为mal Resolution 过程, 科林大学 will provide one (1) advisor to the party who may be, but is not required to be, an attorney, without any fee or 仅为进行质证而收费.
科林大学 must provide certain options and 临时的行动 if the complainant requests them 和y are reasonably 可用, regardless of whether the complainant chooses to report to local law enforcement, the 科林大学 Police Department, 或第九章投诉解决程序. 了解有关可用选项和的更多信息 临时的行动 在这里.
If you have a protective order against a person, notify the 科林大学 Police 学系 972.578.5555 尽快.

To the greatest extent possible, 科林大学 will respect the privacy of the complainant, 被告和证人. 有限的披露可能是必要的,以便进行 彻底调查并遵守适用法律. 火博体育官网将完成 公开可用的记录保存,包括 Clery行为 reporting and disclosures, without inclusion of personally identifying information 火博体育官网投诉人. 此外,火博体育官网必须保密 any accommodations or supportive measures provided to the complainant or respondent, to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality will not impair 科林大学’s 提供便利或支持措施的能力.
火博体育官网将使用证据优势标准(i.e.更有可能 than not to have occurred) when investigating and resolving all allegations of prohibited 行为. This evidence standard will be utilized whether the allegation is investigated and resolved through the 第九章投诉解决程序, Student Disciplinary 流程,或员工投诉流程.
根据… federal laws, 科林大学 will provide simultaneous written notification of the outcome, within the extent permitted by applicable law, to the 受害人和被起诉者. 当事人将会被告知 对报告作出回应的机会. 此同时书面通知将 包括但不限于以下信息:
1. 的 results of any disciplinary proceeding that arises from an allegation of prohibited 本政策所界定的行为;
2. 科林大学’s procedures for the victim 和 respondent to appeal the results 纪律处分程序;
3. 对结果的任何更改(例如.g., through the appeal process); and
4. 当这样的结果成为最终结果时.
根据… federal laws, upon written request 科林大学 will disclose to the alleged victim of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense, as those 术语的定义见 美国法典第18卷第16条Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 U.S.C.,第1092 (f)条(《火博体育官网》), the report on the results of any disciplinary proceeding(s) and/or appeal(s) 行为ed by 科林大学 against a student or employee who is the alleged perpetrator of 这种犯罪或罪行. 如果指称的受害者因这种罪行而死亡 or offense, 科林大学 will treat the victim’s next of kin as the alleged victim, 依法办事.

根据… 美国法典第18卷第16条,“暴力犯罪”一词是指:
1. An offense that has as an element the use, attempted use, or threatened use of 对他人的人身或财产施加暴力,或
2. Any other offense that is a felony and that, by its nature, involves a substantial risk that physical force against the person or property of another may be used in 犯罪过程:犯罪的过程.
为 the purpose of this policy, 科林大学 defines “the results of any disciplinary proceeding” as the institution’s final determination with respect to the alleged crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and any sanction that is imposed on the accused through the student disciplinary and appeal process, the employee disciplinary and appeal process, or the student and employee 第九章投诉解决程序.