


Return to the Contents of the Operational Guidelines and Procedures

科林大学 Libraries serve the residents of Collin County in addition to serving the information and research needs 火博体育官网的学生、教职员工. 这项服务的指导原则如下:

  • The first priority of the 科林大学 Libraries is to serve the educational needs 火博体育官网的学生、教职员工.
    • 图书馆 computers and 科林大学 Wi-Fi are unavailable to community patrons
  • The Executive Directors of the 科林大学 Libraries will, as a group, decide whether it is feasible to offer particular services to Collin County community patrons without restricting the ability of the libraries to meet the needs of 科林大学 students, 教职员工.
  • Community users have the same responsibilities and rights to intellectual freedom 火博体育官网的学生、教职员工也是如此.
  • Minors (persons under the age of 16) must be accompanied 在图书馆 at all times 成人(18岁或以上). 无人看管的未成年人将被报告到学校 警察.
  • Parents are responsible for monitoring their minor children’s access to library services 和材料.



  • Current residents of Collin County who are 16 years of age or over are eligible for 借书证. 居住证明是必需的. 居住证明是由 resident’s Collin County address by a driver’s license, a recent utility bill or other 政府文件格式.
  • 16岁以下人士不获签发图书证.



  • The borrower is responsible for returning materials on time and in good condition.
    • The patron must pay overdue charges for materials not returned on time.
    • As a courtesy, the library will attempt to send overdue notices in a timely manner 通过电子邮件或短信.
  • The patron is responsible for reporting damaged or lost items at the circulation desk.
    • The 图书馆 cannot accept replacement materials purchased by individuals.
  • The borrower must pay the cost of the damaged or lost items, plus a processing fee.
  • The borrower is responsible for notifying the Circulation Department of a lost or 被盗图书证.
  • A library card belonging to anyone other than the patron using the card will not be 接受.
  • The borrower is responsible for notifying the Circulation Department of a change of 姓名、实际地址、电话号码或电子邮件地址.
  • The borrower is responsible for their personal materials and equipment left unattended 在图书馆.





  • Patrons must present a 科林大学 Community library card for all circulation transactions.
  • Patrons with 过期物品s or outstanding fines and fees/charges are denied permission 查阅资料.
  • Computers, calculators, laptops, study rooms, Wi-Fi, all reserve materials and other equipment are unavailable to community patrons and are reserved for 科林大学 学生使用.
  • Due dates exclude holidays and other days when 科林大学 campuses are closed. 图书馆保留收回任何资料的权利.
  • Periodicals and reference materials do not circulate and are to be used 在图书馆.


按材料类型划分的结帐限制 借期
有声书 3 3周
5 3周
音乐cd 3 3周
软件 3 3周
蓝光/ DVD 3 7天





Items may be renewed if the patron has are no outstanding fines, overdue materials 或者图书馆账户阻塞. 请参阅下面的详细信息和限制.

  • 每件物品允许续借两次. 流通图书、流通软件的续订 音乐cd可以通过电话,在线或亲自完成.
    • The following materials cannot be renewed by phone or online: 储备, Classroom 软件和蓝光/DVD.
    • Overdue materials may be renewed in person after the overdue fines are paid and if 其他人则没有对该项目提出保留请求.
      • Items must be presented for renewal and for fine payment if overdue.




Some circulating items may be placed on hold and transferred to another campus. 循环 材料可在任何校园归还.

  • 项目在要求的校园保存3天.
  • 顾客将收到一封礼貌的电子邮件和/或短信通知.
  • The libraries do not have a materials booking system and cannot guarantee the availability 火博体育官网未来日期的材料.
  • The following materials cannot be placed on hold or transferred to another campus, 由于需求高和/或结帐周期短.
    • 蓝光/ DVD
      • 循环蓝光/ DVD
      • 教室(A/V)仅供教师使用
    • 教室里的软件
    • 音乐cd
    • 储备




Fines accrue on a daily basis except for 科林大学 closures for holidays and 事件. 所有罚款由流通部门处理. 任何未解决的罚款 or unreturned items block all borrowing privileges and may result in a hold on college 记录.


材料逾期费用如下. 请注意,罚款金额是每人一笔 过期物品.

*The maximum overdue fine is $25 per item or the replacement cost plus the processing 该项目的费用以较高者为准. 如果对收费有争议 assessed, the patron may submit a “图书馆 Charges Appeal” form, which will be considered 由图书馆执行董事负责.


循环材料 逾期费用 最大充电*
有声书 $0.每天25美元 $25.00
$0.每天25美元 $25.00
音乐cd $0.每天25美元 $25.00
软件 $0.每天25美元 $25.00
DVD / VHS $0.每天50英镑 $25.00




  • When damaged materials are repairable, a repair fee of $15 is assessed.
  • If the material is damaged beyond repair, the patron will be charged the replacement 材料成本和15美元的加工费.
    • The 图书馆 cannot accept replacement materials purchased by individuals.
    • Items judged damaged beyond repair will be given to the patron if the replacement 处理费在退货时支付. 如果费用没有在 the time of return, charges will be applied to the patron’s library account and the 该物品将不会退还给读者,而会被丢弃.


When materials are lost, the patron will be charged the replacement cost of the material 外加15美元的处理费.

  • The 图书馆 cannot accept replacement materials purchased by individuals.
  • No refund is given after payment of a lost item is received, even if the patron later 查找项目.


The 图书馆 may accept cash or check payments (with proper identification) at the 借还书处.

  • A service charge will be added by the Bursar’s office on all returned checks.
  • Community library patrons can make credit/debit card payments at the Bursar’s office 在与图书馆作出安排后.


  • 两方核对
  • 临时检查
  • 在没有相应驾驶执照的情况下进行检查.
    • The driver’s license number and license expiration date will be recorded on the check.
  • 州外支票



Community patrons are not eligible for Interlibrary Loan or TexShare cards through 科林大学 libraries and should request these services from their public library.



  • 如果警报响起,读者必须返回借阅台.
  • Patron will remain at the 借还书处 until the cause of the alarm is determined 和解决.

