
The Verification Process


允许教育部可能要求的额外处理 (ED),我们强烈建议您填写FAFSA不迟于 May 1st for the Fall semester and no later than October 1st for the spring semester.



一旦免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)已经完成 信息由教育部处理,结果发送到 all colleges listed on the FAFSA as well as to the student. Generally, ED is checking 申请人的资格要求,以及寻找项目,可能是 incorrect based on pre-determined factors. 

在某些情况下,教育部可能会选择一个文件进行一个名为 verification.  如果你的FAFSA被选中,你将被要求提交签名副本
of certain financial documents via Collin's Financial Aid Portal.  

验证过程需要学生的FAFSA申请信息 与学生、配偶(如果已婚)和父母(如果受抚养)的复印件进行比较。 federal tax information, or other financial documents. In addition to the tax documents, 学校可能会要求你提交其他文件、信息或澄清 to ensure accuracy of the FAFSA data. Notification of any outstanding requirements 通过电子邮件(学生在FAFSA上输入的电子邮件帐户)发送给学生。. 学生的熟女网站帐户也会列出文件要求和 status. 

一旦所需文件或文件提交后,进行验证处理 工作人员将比较FAFSA的信息与财务信息 documents and will make any adjustments or corrections as necessary. If submission 更正是必要的(不是所有的差异都需要提交), 财务援助人员将代表学生以电子方式提交更改 to the Department of Education so eligibility can be recalculated. Once the adjustment 重新处理,学院将收到一个新的FAFSA与更正的结果是什么 will be used to package the student's financial aid award. 


如果提交了更正,通知将被张贴在学院的系统中 which the student can view via their Cougar Web account. We ask students NOT 一旦验证文件提交给 Financial Aid Office, since this can significantly delay the process.


Note: 每当学院收到标记的FAFSA表格时,无论是用于验证还是其他 其他问题,缺少信息的电子邮件或信件被发送给学生要求 the information needed to complete the student's file. In addition, students can view any requirements in their Cougar Web account. No further action will be taken on the 学生的档案,直到所有文件或信息要求收到. 



It is standard Collin procedure not to award any financial assistance until verification is completed.



所有必需的文件应尽快提交给财政援助办公室 possible after being notified of the requirement. Delays in submitting all required documents will cause a delay in awarding of financial aid.  Also, it could result 学生需要从自己的火博体育中支付全部或部分账单 (i.e., out-of-pocket) until awarding takes place.


学生应在申请助学金之前完成审核程序 the term has ended. Otherwise, the student is in jeopardy of not receiving any federal aid for their period of enrollment.  A Pell Grant applicant must complete the entire 在8月1日前或学生入学最后一天后120天内办理 whichever is earlier. If the process is not completed the student is not eligible for Pell for that award year. 

New Verification Requirements


教育部对核查过程进行了一些修改 with the 2012-2013 award year.  According to the U.S. Department of Education Dear Colleague Letter GEN 11-03:

因为大多数申请人可以通过FAFSA快速方便地访问IRS数据 IRS Data Retrieval 过程中,我们不再认为一个机构接受任何东西是合理的 没有可靠的国税局提供的证据来核实收入数据. Therefore, 如果申请人被选中进行验证,谁还没有成功传递信息 国税局的人,或者确实转移了信息但后来又改了信息的人,也就是司法部 期望学校要求申请人,如有必要,提供申请人的 父母,以提供其联邦所得税信息的官方美国国税局成绩单.

What This Means

学生和家长不能再提交他们的联邦纳税申报表的签名副本 as a means of confirming the income reported on the FAFSA. When completing the income 在FAFSA中,申请人可以选择是否检索此数据 directly from the IRS.

如果申请人决定不使用IRS数据检索过程和申请 被选中进行核实,申请人及家长须提交 an IRS Tax Transcript. If the tax information that is retrieved from the IRS is changed 在FAFSA中,申请人(和/或父母)将被要求提交一份IRS税表 Transcript.

但是,如果检索到的数据没有更改,则IRS Tax Transcript不会更改 be required.


Tax Filers with Special Circumstances

美国国税局的税务检索工具可能不适用于申请人(或父母) the following circumstances:   

  • 联合纳税申报表是在纳税年度提交的,但学生或学生的父母 是否曾以分居、离婚或丧偶的婚姻状况提交过FAFSA.

  • 如果报税人与共同纳税的个人以外的人结婚 return.

  • 如果父母或学生在纳税年度没有结婚,但当时已经结婚 the FAFSA is filed. The current spouse's income must be reported on the FAFSA.
  • 如果父母或学生已婚,但分别提交了申报表.
  • If an amended tax return was filed. (The IRS Data Retrieval too will retrieve the original return information; but will not include the amended information.)
  • 如果纳税申报表是在提交FAFSA前不到两周提交的.


Requesting an IRS Tax Transcript


This can be done free of charge from the IRS in one of four ways:

    - Online at the IRS website

        There are two ways to order from the IRS website.      


        * 你可以在几分钟内通过美国国税局下载一份pdf格式的纳税申报表 new "Get Transcript" function. Simply go to this link and
          follow the instructions there.

        *您可以订购一份您的纳税申报表副本邮寄到您的 目前在美国国税局备案的地址(您在上次纳税申报表上使用的地址)
          filed).  Mailed transcripts typically arrive within 5 to 10 days from the time the online request was successfully transmitted to the IRS.

   - By telephone:  Call the IRS at 1-800-908-9946.  Select "Option 2" to request an IRS Tax Return Transcript.  It takes 5 to 10 days from the time the
     IRS receives the request.

   - By paper form 4506T-EZ available for download at

有关如何申请IRS纳税记录的更详细说明,请单击 here.

Non-Tax Filers Selected for Verification

对于没有申报的个人,根据国税局的规定,不需要申报 所得税申报表,每个就业收入来源的美国国税局W-2表格副本 received in the tax year must be provided.


Collin College Verification Policy

To see the "official" Collin College Verification Policy, click here.