

学校政策:34 CFR 668.第16(e)条,联邦法典第34卷第668条.32(f)和34 CFR 668.34

To be considered administratively capable, a school must have a satisfactory academic progress policy that, for a Federal Student Aid recipient, is the same as or more strict than the school's st和ards for a student enrolled in the same educational program who is not receiving assistance under a Federal Student Aid program. 


According to these federal rules, a school's policy must contain certain basic elements:

  • Students must maintain a cumulative (金融援助) GPA of at least a 2.0
  • Students must complete 67% or more of the coursework they attempt (cumulative), 和
  • A maximum time frame in which a student must complete his or her educational program, (被称为150%规则).

          的 maximum number of 小时 a student may attempt is limited to 150% of 发表长度
          程序的.  例如,一个需要30个小时的证书课程 会有一个


          所有 小时, including the following, shall be counted towards total 小时 attempted 和 earned:










          - ESL小时数,和




Students that reach the maximum time frame are immediately given a status of "Exceeds Max Hours", making them ineligible for any student aid, including student loans, grants, 国家援助等.

Failure to Meet the St和ards of Academic Progress - GPA 和 Percent Completion

未能达到财政援助GPA 2分的学生.0和/或完成率 of 67% will automatically be placed on warning for the next semester of enrollment.  Students on warning will still be able to receive student financial aid they would 否则才有资格领取. 


At the end of the next semester of enrollment, the student must be making Financial 提供令人满意的学业进展(财政援助GPA为2).0或更大,并且是累加的 67%或更高的完成率.) 


If the student is not making satisfactory academic progress by the end of the semester, they will automatically be placed on financial aid suspension 和 will no longer be eligible for any student aid including loans, grants, 国家援助等.


Students on financial aid suspension for 金融援助 GPA 和/or percent completion will remain on suspension until such time that the 金融援助 GPA 和/or percent 完成达到最低要求. 

申诉程序- GPA和/或完成百分比

In rare circumstances, a student is allowed to appeal his/her financial aid suspension.  这些情况可能包括:

  • 有医生证明的严重个人疾病,
  • 的 serious illness of an immediate family member w在这里 the doctor documents student 被要求照顾家庭成员,然后
  • Other rare, exceptional circumstances that prevent a student from attending class. 


这种情况下 必须发生在出席的学期内.  Please note that appeals will not be accepted without documentation 和 that appeals 提交的文件不会自动批准.


提交上诉的截止日期 is 30 days after the official first day of classes for a semester.


A student who meets the condition to appeal must complete 和 submit the following:

  1. 在一个 输入签署 信:

    -  Explain the rare, extenuating circumstances that caused you not to meet Satisfactory 学业进步(SAP).

    -  Include the steps you have taken or will take, personally 和 academically, to prevent these circumstances from hindering your academic performance in the future.

  2. 文档 is required for all appeals, 和 the documentation should support the explanation 在打印并签名的信中. 例如,医疗或其他法律文件,顾问, attorneys, doctors, or other objective persons who are knowledgeable about your circumstances.

  3. 确认页面 showing completion of SAP Counseling, "的 Key Components to the Satisfactory Academic 进展(SAP)财政援助申请流程.点击这里获取链接. *你需要 创建一个登录来完成这个咨询会话.

Failure to Meet the St和ards of Academic Progress - Maximum Hours

Students who reach the maximum timeframe will be placed on financial aid suspension 和 are no longer eligible to receive federal or state financial aid. 没有 此状态的警告. 

Please realize that the 金融援助 Office emails students each semester to inform 他们在最大时限内取得的进展. 



An appeal to request an 延长工作时间 can be submitted if t在这里 are extenuating circumstances that caused the student not to be able to complete within the 150% time 句号,但这些情况必须被记录下来.



  • 有医生证明的严重个人疾病,
  • 的 serious illness of an immediate family member w在这里 the doctor documents student 被要求照顾家庭成员,然后
  • Other rare, exceptional circumstances that prevent a student from attending class.


提交上诉的截止日期 is 30 days after the official first day of classes for a semester.


A student who meets the condition to appeal must complete 和 submit the following:

  1. 在一个 输入签署 信:

       -  Explain the rare, extenuating circumstances that caused you to exceed 150% of 已发布的节目长度.


       -  Include the steps you have taken, or will take, personally 和 academically, to prevent future circumstances from allowing you to complete within the requested 延长工作时间.

  2. 文档 is required for all appeals, 和 the documentation should support the explanation 在打印并签名的信中. 例如,医疗或其他法律文件,顾问, attorneys, doctors, or other objective persons who are knowledgeable about your circumstances.

  3. 确认页面 showing completion of SAP Counseling, "的 Key Components to the Satisfactory Academic 进展(SAP)财政援助申请流程.点击这里获取链接.
    *你需要 创建一个登录来完成这个咨询会话.

  4. 学术顾问


      -  Attach an updated degree audit signed 和 dated by the Academic Advisor, noting the courses which are still left to complete on your current, declared degree program.


     -  Undicate the number of additional 小时 needed to complete program (include 目前学时).




  • 所有 financial aid appeals are reviewed by a committee made up of faculty 和 staff 来自火博体育官网. 财政援助工作人员不参与审查过程.
  • Students will be notified of the committee's decision via their school email account.
  • An appeal that does not meet the requirements per the SAP policy will not be approved.
  • 上诉委员会的决定是最终决定. 


A student whose appeal is approved will be sent an email outlining the terms of their 学术计划.

  • Students must respond to the email 和 state that they accept the terms outlined in 这个计划.  In order to remain eligible for financial aid while on an 学术计划, the student may not withdraw from any coursework 和 must make a grade of at least 每门课都得C,直到学生恢复良好.


A student whose appeal is approved for maximum timeframe will have the approved 小时 加上150%的节目长度.




点击 在这里 查看Cougar Web中不同SAP状态的解释.


要获取申诉表格,请访问表格页面 在这里.

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