



If English is not your first language and you have some difficulty with writing, reading, speaking, or listening in English, then our 英语类 may be appropriate for you.If you are an International 学生 (F-1 visa) want to join our program at the Plano (Spring Creek) Campus, you need to have all of the F-1 学生 visa requirements and 下列分数之一:

    • 托福网考成绩32分以上(每项技能至少8分)
    • 雅思成绩4分.5 (4.每项技能最少为0)
      International 学生s already at another college in the United States who meet the 要求也将受益于转移到我们的ESL课程.

Members of the community can improve their English in our ESL credit courses at the Plano (Spring 溪)校园 or in the 科林大学 Continuing Education program 在我们的庭院中心校园.


Our F-1 学生s are required to take at least 18 hours of 英语类 during the 周. 每节课有2课时的讲课和2课时的实验. 一个学生通常会有 5 classes, or 20 contact hours, with the ESL professors during the 周 (5 classes X 4小时). 


It may be possible to take a few other classes while taking 英语类 and without 首先通过TSI. 你需要和Plano (Spring) G103的指导老师谈谈 溪)校园.

I have a full-time job in the community, but I want to take some English classes. 我可以兼职学习吗?

If you are an International Student with an F-1 visa, you are required to be a full-time 学生. Otherwise, yes, you can study part-time so that you may continue to work. You will have many assignments to do outside of ESL class hours and should consider 你有多少空闲时间学习.

我没有住在美国.S. 现在. 我如何进入ESL课程?

你需要申请国际学生签证(F-1).)如果你愿意 to enroll in 英语类, you must take the ESL 评估 Test to determine your 注册前的级别. 完成火博体育官网的入学申请. 当 you receive your CWID, call the Testing Center at one of the 6 科林大学 campuses to schedule a time and day to take the ESL 评估 in the Testing Center. 后 完成测试后,发邮件给Mary South msouth@科林.安排英语口语课程 通过缩放测试.

I already have an I-20 from another college and want to transfer to the ESL Program 在火博体育官网. 我该怎么办??

你需要用F-1签证申请转学生入学. 请点击 on this link for instructions and further information on Admission requirements. If you want to enroll in 英语类, you must take the ESL 评估 Test to determine 注册前的等级. 完成火博体育官网的入学申请 使用此链接http://www.科林.edu/gettingstarted/admissions/index.html. 当你 receive your CWID, call the Testing Center at one of the 科林大学 campuses to schedule a time and day to take the ESL 评估 in the Testing Center. 在你 完成测试,发邮件给Mary South msouth@科林.安排英语口语课程 通过缩放测试.

我有绿卡,我住在科林县. 我想提高我的英语水平. 什么 我需要做些什么才能进入火博体育官网的ESL课程?

你需要去我们六个校区之一的招生办公室. 你需要 to complete an Application for Admission and get a Student College Wide ID number.  ESL评估将回到考试中心亲自进行. 请拨打其中一个 考试中心安排参加ESL考试的时间. 在你的ESL评估之后, 请联系Mary South msouth@科林.安排英语考试 via Zoom online. ESL 评估s are scheduled by appointment during windows of availability 由检测中心制定.  评估必须至少在四小时前开始 每天闭馆. ESL评估是免费的. 呼叫其中一个测试 以测试网页为中心来安排你的ESL评估.

我是一名难民,在科林县住了很短的时间. 我不知道 很多英语. 我想和人们交谈. 我现在能做什么?

If it is very difficult for you to speak or understand any English, please go to our 在普莱诺的庭院中心继续教育. 继续教育项目 is for English language learners who are just beginning to learn English or who want to improve their English to get or keep a job, live in the community, or achieve 人al 目标. 

我已经参加了火博体育官网的TSI考试,并进入了INRW. 我应该参加ESL课程吗 然后去参加ESL课程?

是的. The INRW classes are designed for 学生s whose native language is English. T在这里 are differences in how the professors are trained to teach and differences in 课堂内容与活动. INRW课程不提供ESL语言课程 support and ESL teaching strategies that help non-native English learners acquire 学术英语能力. 需要这种ESL支持的学生有时会中途退学 the INRW class because they do not have the necessary skills needed for the class. You should ask to take the ESL 评估 at the Testing Center J232 and, when you 在那里,报名参加玛丽·南斯的口试msouth@科林.edu. 从你的ESL 评估 and oral exam scores, we can place you in one of our ESL levels.


You must get a College Wide Student ID number at the Admissions Office (no 负责). You will then need to take the ESL New Student 评估 in the Testing Center (no 负责). ESL 评估s are scheduled by appointment during windows of availability 由检测中心制定.  评估必须至少在四小时前开始 每天闭馆. ESL评估是免费的. 呼叫其中一个测试 以测试网页为中心来安排你的ESL评估.

我是一名国际学生,我已经参加了托福考试. 我还需要 to take the ESL New Student 评估 after I arrive at 科林大学?

If you met all the application requirements for admission, including the TOEFL or IELTS scores, then you should not need further ESL instruction, and you need not take 在你到达后进行ESL新生评估.如果你被有条件录取 to 科林大学 as an ESL 学生 because you received the minimum TOEFL/IELTS scores required for admission to the ESL program and also met the other application requirements, then you will need to take 在你到达后进行ESL新生评估.

我想参加庭院中心的继续教育课程. 我一定要 参加Spring Creek ESL新生评估?

No. You should contact the Continuing Education office at (972) 985-3750 for assessment 火博体育官网这个项目的信息.

我在另一所大学上了ESL课程. 我的课程可以转到火博体育官网吗 我还需要参加ESL评估吗?

No.  英语类 are developmental classes, so they do not transfer to another college. They also do not count toward the number of credit hours needed to complete an associate 或学士学位.

是的. 你仍然必须参加火博体育官网的ESL新生评估. 不同的 大学有不同种类和级别的ESL课程. 结果,第一个或 second level of an ESL program at another college may not teach the same topics as 火博体育官网的第一或第二阶段.

I took some ESL Continuing Education classes at the 院子中心, and now I want 去斯普林克里克校区上ESL学分课程. 我还需要服用吗 Spring Creek校区的ESL新生评估?

是的. You must take the ESL New Student 评估 in order to register in the ESL 普莱诺校区的学分课程. 你可以参加这个ESL评估 在6个测试中心中的任何一个. ESL评估将于2008年回到测试中心 人. 请拨打其中一个 Testing 中心 to schedule a time to take the ESL 评估. 在你的ESL评估之后,请联系Mary South msouth@科林.edu 通过Zoom在线预约英语考试.


It depends on how many classes you take and your visa and residency status. 成本 为课程可以找到 在这里.

我是一名国际学生. 有经济援助可以帮助我支付吗 ESL课程?

No, F-1 International Students must submit documentation proving that they have financial 支持他们支付学费,并且没有资格获得经济援助.    然而,你 may find limited work opportunities on campus for limited hours during the academic 一年. You are not permitted to work off campus, unless under certain circumstances 由国际学生办公室解释. 请与留学生联系 办公室索取更多资料.


是的. Students, except for International Students, may apply for Financial Aid for 英语类. Please contact the Financial Aid Office early in the process for requirements.