

外科专业的课程选择代表了手术室(OR)手术环境的实践职业方面-与外科医生一起工作, 麻醉医师, 护士, and other healthcare workers delivering patient care before, 在, 手术后.


A sterile 处理 technician plays a key role in the surgical environment, 间接提供病人护理. 无菌处理技术人员对每一件医疗器械和设备进行仔细消毒,以确保患者和医务人员的安全. 中央无菌处理 technicians play a critical role in preventing infection by sterilizing, 清洁, 处理, 组装, 存储, and distributing medical supplies for safe use in surgical procedures.

The certificate in 中央无菌处理 is a four course, two-semester certificate program with three modular courses in the first semester, followed by the on-site clinical course in the second semester. 完成课程后的模块课程, 学生有资格参加由卫生保健无菌加工协会(HSPA)管理的国家认证考试。, 哪个提供临时认证, secured by completion of the required clinical hours.


外科技术专家是在手术前准备手术室(OR)的卫生保健专业人员. The surgical technologist is a crucial part of a surgical care team, 与外科医生一起提供病人护理, 助理, 护士, 麻醉提供者. 而外科技术人员的主要作用是将无菌器械和用品传递给外科医生和助手, 取决于操作, they might also prepare robotic surgical equipment, 保持器官就位, 或者握住牵开器.

火博体育官网外科技术应用科学副学士(AAS)是一个为期12个月的项目(夏季), 秋天, Spring) that will prepare the student to work as an entry-level surgical technologist. 学习课程由德克萨斯州劳动力教育课程手册批准的课程组成. 项目完成后, 该生具备参加全国外科技师资格考试的资格. 联合健康教育项目认证委员会对我们的项目进行了认证,使毕业生有资格成为注册外科技术专家, (CST)证书.


Surgical 助理s are advanced allied health professionals, and the first people surgeons turn to help ensure safe, 有效的, 简化外科手术程序. 在外科医生的监督下, surgical 助理s are responsible for skills ranging from body plane closures, 伤口可视化, 止血, and the application of advanced knowledge of all surgical phases.

Accredited by the Commission on 认证 of Allied Health Education 项目, 火博体育官网外科辅助项目是德克萨斯州唯一的项目,也是全国仅有的13个项目之一.

外科辅助高级技术证书是一个为期一年的课程,从夏季学期开始,在秋季和春季学期继续. Classes are hybrid and offered at the McKinney校园 and online. 入学是有选择性和竞争性的. 成功完成课程后,学生将获得外科辅助高级技术证书,并有资格参加全国外科技术和外科辅助委员会(NBSTSA)认证外科第一辅助(CSFA)考试.



There are no prerequisites for the 中央无菌处理 courses. Interested students may register for the courses once accepted to 科林大学.

Requirements for 中央无菌处理 clinical course:

  • Complete all immunizations required by the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS)*
  • Current Basic Life Support Certification provided by the American Heart Association.
  • 出示健康保险证明.
  • Complete the health exam with a satisfactory result exam prior to application deadline.
  • Consent to criminal background check (note that negative results may compromise clinical placement)
  • Consent to drug screening (note that negative results may compromise clinical placement)

Admission to the 外科手术技术 program is selective and competitive. Please see the program's specific qualifications on the department website.

Special Admission Requirements - 外科手术技术 Program:
  • 申请进入火博体育官网
  • 提供高中毕业证明或GED证明
  • Submit all college transcripts to Advising for evaluation.
  • Submit program application to the 外科手术技术 Department
  • 平均绩点2.所有必修课程成绩达到5分
Additional Requirements for 外科手术技术 Program Admission:
  • Attend 外科手术技术 Program information session.
  • 提交两封由老师或雇主写的推荐信,证明你的品格和职业道德.
  • 提交一篇论文(至少1页):主题-是什么让你成为外科技术项目的有力候选人? What do you feel is the biggest challenge you will face in the program?
  • 准备参加项目工作人员的面试,并在申请截止日期后安排面试.
  • Place required documents in a folder or large envelope and return the completed application, 连同其他所需的申请文件, to the drop box in H225A or to the Program administrative 助理, Monday-Friday, H201上午8点至下午5点, 保健科学司办事处, McKinney校园, 2200 W. 得克萨斯州麦金尼大学大道75071.

在进入外科技术项目后, 学生将被要求上传以下文件到项目的临床跟踪系统:

  • 目前的免疫接种记录*
  • 当前CPR卡(正面/背面)
  • 健康保险(正面/背面)
  • Signed wavier for drug screening (秋天/Spring only) 
  • 已签署的背景调查豁免书(秋季/春季)
  • Completed Medical Questionnaire (supplied by program)



  • ACIP强烈建议所有卫生保健工作者(HCWs)接种乙型肝炎疫苗(或有免疫记录), 流感, 麻疹, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹, 和水痘.
  • 破伤风, 白喉和百日咳:建议所有人每10年接种一次破伤风-白喉-百日咳(Tdap)增强剂.
  • Influenza vaccine is due by the first week of October.
  • 在秋季学期开始之前, 提交量化子金的书面证明, 仅限IGRA或t点结核病血液检测. 如果结核病血液检查呈阳性,则必须提交最近5年的胸部x光片阴性.
  • MMR是两次接种或滴剂.
  • Other vaccines may be required based on personal risk factors.

Please consult the Texas Department of Health and CDC for recommendations. 访问 http://www.疾病预防控制Centers.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6104a9.htm 和/或 http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/immunize/Schedule/schedule_adult.shtm 了解更多信息.

额外的来源: Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, Part I, Chapter 97, Subchapter B, Rules 97.62, 97.64, 97.65.

* It is important to note that one of the required vaccinations, 乙型肝炎, 由三剂系列组成, 哪些项目可能需要7个月才能完成. All immunizations must be complete before the first clinical day.


Admission to the 外科协助 program is selective and competitive. Please see the program's specific qualifications on the department website.

Special Admission Requirements - 外科协助 Program:
  • 申请进入火博体育官网.
  • Submit program application to the 外科协助 Department.
  • 最近两年临床外科技师的工作经验,并持有副学士或以上学位(见*注), 或者是手术室护士, 或获得认可的医学院硕士学位, 理工科学士或以上学历,并具有三年外科辅助手术室工作经验.
  • 向火博体育官网和外科辅助部提交所有大学成绩单的正式副本,表明所获得的学位.
  • Submit two letters of recommendation from physicians.
  • Submit official copies of ALL listed transcripts emailed encrypted to drsmith@科林.从你所列出的教育机构或邮寄给唐娜R史密斯,项目主任,2200w. 德克萨斯州麦金尼H201大学.
  • Handwritten 1 (one) page essay on why you are interested in 外科协助.
  • Copy of CST Certification or current CNOR Certification.
  • 当前美国心脏协会BLS卡复印件.
  • 通过电子邮件回答三个问题的调查,该调查将在收到您的课程申请后通过电子邮件发送给您.
  • 准备参加项目工作人员的面试,并在申请截止日期后安排面试.

注:外科辅助项目候选人如果是注册外科技术人员(CST),可以获得一个过渡性机会。, 最近至少有两年的工作经验, 但不要拥有大专以上学历. Contact the 外科协助 Program Director at drsmith@科林.Edu获取更多信息.

在进入外科辅助项目后, students will be required to provide the following documents to the Program Director:

  • 目前的免疫接种记录*
  • Current Basic Life Support Certification provided by the American Heart Association.
  • 健康保险(正面/背面).
  • Provide proof of malpractice insurance prior to starting clinical rotations each semester.
  • Signed wavier for drug screening (秋天/Spring only).
  • 已签署的背景调查豁免书(秋季/春季).
  • Completed Medical Questionnaire (supplied by program).



  • ACIP强烈建议所有卫生保健工作者(HCWs)接种乙型肝炎疫苗(或有免疫记录), 流感, 麻疹, 流行性腮腺炎, 风疹, d水痘.
  • 破伤风, 白喉和百日咳:建议所有人每10年接种一次破伤风-白喉-百日咳(Tdap)增强剂.
  • Influenza vaccine is due by the first week of October.
  • 在秋季学期开始之前, 提交量化子金的书面证明, 仅限IGRA或t点结核病血液检测. 如果结核病血液检查呈阳性,则必须提交最近5年的胸部x光片阴性.
  • MMR是两次接种或滴剂.
  • Other vaccines may be required based on personal risk factors.

Please consult the Texas Department of Health and CDC for recommendations. 访问 http://www.疾病预防控制Centers.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6104a9.htm 和/或 http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/immunize/Schedule/schedule_adult.shtm 了解更多信息.

额外的来源: Texas Administrative Code, Title 25, Part I, Chapter 97, Subchapter B, Rules 97.62, 97.64, 97.65

健康保险 - 全中心无菌, 外科手术技术, 外科辅助学生需要在每学期开始临床轮转之前出示健康保险证明. 另外, 外科辅助学生需要在每学期开始临床轮转之前出示医疗事故保险证明.


在初步接受这些项目后, all students are required to meet specific functional abilities, 有或没有住宿, 为顺利完成课程, and to function safely and 有效的ly in a variety of professional and surgical settings. The specific functional requirements are found on the 外科专业 每个项目的网站. 如果学生认为自己可能无法达到功能标准,需要住宿,我们鼓励他们在对这个项目感兴趣的时候尽快联系学院的ACCESS部门.


Both the 科林大学 Advanced Technical Certificate (ATC) - 外科协助 Program, 和AAS -外科技术项目由联合健康教育项目认证委员会(CAAHEP)根据外科技术和外科辅助认证审查委员会(ARCSTA)的建议进行认证。. 联系方式:

9355 - 113街. N, #7709

帕克,CO 80138

注意:完成 Students who have been involved with the criminal system, 请注意,您的背景可能会使您无法获得德克萨斯州的执照. If you have a question about your background and licensure, please speak with your faculty member or the Program Director. 您也有权要求犯罪历史评估信从适用的许可机构.

计划转学到学院或大学的学生应该向火博体育官网的学术顾问咨询. 在开始这个项目之前,还要检查预期转学学院的学位要求,以验证课程学位的适用性.
